Mellody Hobson: "Color Blind or Color Brave?"
While watching a Ted Talk by Mellody Hobson called "Color Blind or Color Brave?" This video spoke about how society is being open about being color brave. We shouldn't be "color blind" and ignore race, we should be "color brave" in all aspects and stand up for what we believe. My favorite quote from Mellody was "Be color brave so that every child knows that their future matters and that there dreams are possible."
Tweet from Nayyirah Waheed
While looking at a tweet from Nayyirah Waheed it stated "never trust anyone who says they do not see color this means to them, you are invisible." Everyone is different, everyone is their own human being. Color does not define us, what defines us in life is our jobs, our work ethic, our beliefs and motos in life.
Youth should feel welcome in their surroundings not worried about what people are going to think of them or perceive them. When youth feel safe, welcome and treated well they open help and start trusting more. This will help them grow as individuals as well as a group.